Permanently low prices
At, we don’t believe in fake discounts. All of our products are permanently on sale 24 hours a day / 365 days a year, and we do this at factory direct wholesale prices while using only the highest quality raw materials, fabrics, and components.
More on how we’re able to offer you such great value
Being an online only company, we sell Australia wide. This means we can sell more product than a local retailer. With higher turnover we can reduce our margins significantly so you can benefit. Being online only also means we don’t have any costs associated with retail ‘brick and mortar’ rent, and sales peoples commissions. Plus you’ll save hundreds just by installing them yourself.
5 Year Warranty
Extensive 5 year warranty on all of our products. Buy with confidence knowing we back our own products.
Free Samples
To help ensure you get exactly what are after, we offer a fast free sample service (sent with priority postage!) that lets you choose up to 10 different samples to try out at home before you buy. This will also make sure the colour you are seeing on your monitor is the same in person.
Shop Interest Free with ZipMoney & AfterPay!
Up to 6 months interest free, monthly installment plans with ZipMoney. Up to $5,000 credit with buyer protection on all items purchased. Get approved in minutes. We also accept PayPal, American Express, and Visa/Mastercard.
We now also have AfterPay (Up to $1000 of credit), another very popular interest free method.
Secure Shopping
Your credit card details are never stored or ‘seen’ by our website. Each field in the checkout is passed and encrypted via iFrames to our payment processor (Braintree, whom are owned by PayPal). Safe and Secure! We also guarantee to never give any of your personal information to a third party.